Designer Eggs

Our famous Designer Eggs are back, just in time for the Easter season.




Designer Eggs will be available for In-store pickup, Curbside pickup, or Local delivery as of March 12, 2021.

Supplies are limited. Please note, we often sell out of our Designer Eggs quickly. Ordering during our Pre-Sale guarantees the stock for you.


Ever since our Insider Dessert feature went viral a few years ago, our Designer Eggs have been one of the Easter season “must have” items for many people, with lineups out the door to grab an egg from our Egg Wall.

Each egg is designed by hand, by our in-house artists. These eggs are cast in a delicious semi-sweet chocolate.

Each egg is filled with a full 6oz. of ‘smashable’ and delicious chocolatey insides, including: Mixed Fruit Malts, Saturday Morning Blend, caramelized and white chocolate Unicorns, and milk chocolate Dots. (contains gluten)

Please note:

This item is for local pickup / Curbside pickup / local Calgary delivery only. If you intend on shipping this item, please order via the Shipped Designer Egg page.

If you accidentally order for shipping, using this page, we will substitute with our Shipped Designer Egg.


Ingredients:  cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter. May contain: milk, wheat, soya lecithin, vanilla, fruit, cacao nibs, salt, nuts, natural flavouring.  Created in a facility that works with peanuts, tree nuts and wheat products.  Organic, natural, direct trade, and fair trade ingredients are used where possible.

Ingrédients: pâté de cacao, sucre, beurre de cacao. Peut contenir:  lait, blé, lécithine de soja, arôme naturel de vanille, fruits, grains de cacao, sel, noix, produits des noix.  Crée dans un établissement qui entrent en contact avec noix, arachides, and produits de blé.  Ingredients biologiques, naturel, commerce direct/equitable sont utilisé si possible.

Note: We are not a certified nut-free facility. Please consult our Allergens section for detailed information.

Real, whole ingredients.
Finest quality chocolate.
No compromise.

Our commitment to quality is unparalleled. Taste the difference.

Our Designer Eggs are sold out for 2020. We do have other great chocolatey items available for your special people! Please check out our Online Shop for options.

Our famous Designer Eggs are back, just in time for the Easter season.
Ever since our Insider Dessert feature went viral a few years ago, our Designer Eggs have been one of the seasonal must have items for many people, with lineups out the door to grab an egg from our Egg Wall.
Each egg is designed by hand, and no two eggs are alike. These eggs are cast in our delicious dark chocolate blend, using fine flavoured, rare Nicaraguan origin dark chocolate. Each egg is filled with a variety of our decadent chocolate caramels. Featured flavours:

If you have any further questions, please contact us via the Contact page.

Our 2020 Egg artists:

Michelle Debruyne
Leif Edyln
Stephen Himmelfarb
Tien Nguyen
Dallas Southcott

Our designer eggs are available in person, at our Chinatown location, until Easter, or sold out. They are available in limited quantities, on a first-come-first-served basis.
Ingredient info: Our eggs are cast in fine dark chocolate and are dairy free. The individual caramels contain dairy. Eggs and caramels are all gluten free. All natural ingredients, no preservatives.

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